Episode 11 - Marriage

Posted on Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020
What makes a great marriage? Steve is no marriage expert, but he shares some things about marriage that he has learned over the past 26 years.

Show Notes

The Burnsland Podcast is proud to present the latest episode, all about marriage.

But first, let me say right up front that I am no marriage expert by any means. At least as far as going to school to learn about marriage counseling and all that good stuff. That is important, and those who do that sort of thing are very important and helpful!

But as I said, that isn’t me. Instead, these are just some observations that I have come up with over the last 26 years or so of being a married guy. Laura will be the first to tell you that I don’t always get it right. Actually, I would be the first to tell you that, because I know it is true.

Even though I am not an expert, I feel that it might be helpful for someone if I share what I know, so that is what I am doing here.

What makes a marriage successful? Here’s a hint: it matters how you treat the other person. For more detail than that, just listen in to the Burnsland Podcast!


Steve Burns

Steve Burns

Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.