Episode 22 - A Message of Love

Posted on Wednesday, Jul 22, 2020
In all the chaos and noise of the world, it is sometimes good to hear a simple message of love. Or to be the one to share that message.

Show Notes

Imagine going through some messages that people have left. Some of them are negative, some are more or less positive. But then you come across a simple message: “I love you.” That can help you see things in a whole new light.

Sometimes we need to hear that message of love. And if we need to hear it, that means that others do, too. So then, sometimes we need to be the ones to spread that message of love. If that sounds familiar, it is because it goes back to an early podcast episode that has become the theme for the whole series, which is to never miss an opportunity to show others that you love them. Funny how that keeps coming up, isn’t it?

A note about audio quality: Yes, I know this episode does not sound right. I really thought about not sharing it or trying to record it again. But ultimately, I decided that the message was good enough to overcome the quality. As it turns out, I had the settings wrong on the digital recorder that I use. So while I thought I was using the external microphone, it was actually recording using the internal microphone. I was not right by that microphone, and it picked up some extra noise and echo that is not usually there in these podcast episodes. Hopefully, you can overlook that, and I know to double-check next time!


Steve Burns

Steve Burns

Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.