Episode 35 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on Friday, Nov 19, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving! In Episode 35, we share Thanksgiving memories and things that we think of at this time, and what we are thankful for.

Show Notes

Our Holiday Extravaganza continues! After our last episode was all about Halloween, Episode 35 is all about Thanksgiving!

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we reminisce about past Thanksgiving holidays. Traditions include watching the Macy’s parade, eating food with family, not having to go to work or school, putting up Christmas decorations, and more fun things. Everyone has different holiday traditions, and there is no one right way of doing things, of course. But these are some of the things we have done.

We also talk about what Thanksgiving makes us think of. Fall colors, movies, relaxing, and more. What do you associate with this time of year?

And then, we briefly talk about what we are thankful for. Or at least we try to keep it brief. Because if we gave the whole list, this podcast episode would be really, really long!

So as you enjoy the holiday with your loved ones, be sure to be thankful. And not just on one specific day, or even just in the month of November. But be thankful all year long!

Plus, you can see some of our past Thanksgiving photos and fun at the Burnsland website.

Listen to our conversation in Episode 35 of the Burnsland podcast. Happy Thanksgiving from Steve and Laura!


Steve Burns

Steve Burns

Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.

Laura Burns

Laura Burns

Laura Burns is a wife, mother, Christian, equestrian, retired school teacher, and lots of other things, too. She enjoys spending time with horses as often as she can.