Let’s start the New Year right, with a new episode of the Burnsland Podcast! Actually, this one showed up in most of the podcast apps yesterday, for those of you who check those things. So this might already be old news to you. But if you haven’t heard it yet, then it is still new!
Just for something a little different, this episode is all about Car Thoughts, those little nuggets of thought that I have while driving from here to there. The mind wanders sometimes, so there are a few different things here. Thoughts about when to leave to get somewhere, how early you get somewhere, what to wear in the winter weather, and a few Christmas reflections, too.
Sorry about the background noise. I guess I don’t have one of those fancy quiet-on-the-inside cars like they advertise on television sometimes. If it bothers you too much, I suppose I could set up a New Car Fund to accept contributions! But then maybe if you listen to this episode while you are in your car, too, you won’t even notice the noise.
So even though this is technically the last episode of 2019 (since it was uploaded yesterday), Happy New Year from the Burnsland Podcast! And check back soon for a new episode about the New Year, too!
Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.